Novi stari Alverde piling - Alverde Aqua Peeling Meeresalge

август 02, 2015 0 Comments

Alverde Aqua Peeling Perle je bio moj omiljeni piling za lice, i nakon godinu dana(!) korišćenja, tubica se ispraznila i na redu je došlo obnavljanje kupovine. Na moje iznenađenje, piling sa perlama je povučen iz prodaje i njega je zamenio naizgled isti, ali po sastavu nešto drugačiji piling sa morskim algama.

Alverde Aqua Peeling Perle was my favorite face scrub, and after a year(!), the tube is emptied and it was time to renew my purchase. On my surprise, the scrub with pearls was withdrawn and it was replaced by a seemingly same scrub, but with a little different ingredients - with seaweed.

Na tubi piše:

Za normalnu i mešovitu kožu. Receptura braon i zelenih algi, minerala iz morske vode posebno hidrira kožu. Biljni glicerin štiti od isušivanja. Sitne kuglice čiste kožu od nečistoća i odumrlih ćelija. Sertifikovana prirodna kozmetika. Bez sintetičkih boja, mirisa, konzervansa. Bez sastojka na bazi mineralnih ulja. Sirovina iz kontrolisanog biološkog uzgoja. Dermatološki ispitano. Pogodno za vegane i vegeterijance.
Sastojci pilinga sa perlama možete pogledati ovde, a za piling s morskim algama ovde.

Velike razlike između ova dva pilinga skoro da i nema. Jedina razlika je u sastojcima - hidrolizovane perle su izbačene i umesto njih dodata morska voda, Chlorella Vulgaris Extract (ekstrakt algi) i hidrolizovan algin a izbačeni Limonene, Geraniol, Linalool koji daju miris.
Hidrolizovan algin ima visoku ocenu za prouzrokovanje akni i iritacija. Zanimljiva je stvar što istraživanjem po internetu nisam mogla naći ništa što ovo podupire. Svrstavaju ga kao bezbedan sastojak. Verovatno postoje slučajevi kada je iritirajuć za kožu, ali pošto je u pitanju piling koji se posle minut ispere, mislim da je sasvim bezbedan za upotrebu, naravno, ako vas inače ne iritiraju pilinzi.

On the tube it says:

For normal and combination skin. The formula from brown and green algae, and minerals from sea water especially hydrates the skin. Vegetable glycerin protects from dryness. Small beads clean the skin and remove dead skin cells. Certified natural cosmetics. Without synthetic color, smell and conservatives. Without ingredients based on mineral oils. Raw materials from controlled biological cultivation. Terminologically tested. Suited for vegans and vegetarians.
The ingredients of the pearls scrub are available here, and for the seaweed one here.

There are no big differences between the two. The only difference is in the ingredients - Hydrolyzed Perls are no longer there and their place is now taken by sea water,  Chlorella Vulgaris Extract (algae extract) and Hydrolyzed Algin. Some other ingredients that are no longer on the list are Limonene, Geraniol and Linalool which add fragrance.
Hydrolyzed Algin has a high score for causing acne and irritation. The interesting part is that I didn't find anything on the web that confirms that. It is labeled as a safe ingredient. There are probably cases where it is irritating to the skin, but because it is used in a face scrub that it cleaned off after a minute, I think it's alright to say that it's safe, of course, if you usually don't get irritated by face scrubs.

Na proizvodu piše da se nanosi tako što se napravi pena s malo vode na dlanovima i prstima utrlja u lice. Ja ga nanosim tako što iz tube istisnem malu količinu na prste, nežno ih potrljam kako bi se stvorila pena i tako nanesem na mokro lice i masiram otprilike jedan minut. Nemojte očekivati puno pene, samo malo zapeni.
Na sam pročitala da se ovakvi pilinzi nanose na suvo lice pa sam pokušala i tako nekoliko puta i moram reći da radi na oba načina. Nisam osetila znatnu promenu pa sam nastavila oldschool :)

Piling je providan, gelaste teksture sa plavim kuglicama. Dolazi u pakovanju od 75 ml. Za razliku od pilinga sa perlama, ovaj ima potpuno drugačiji miris, po meni ne tako lep. Perle su odlično mirisale ali ovaj... ne znam kako da ga opišem. Možda i miriše na alge, nisam ih nikad pomirisala, ali ne sviđa mi se.

On the product it says that it should be applied by making a foam with water using the palm of you hand and then gently rubbing it into the skin. I apply it by pushing out a small amount of the product on my fingers, then I gently rub them together so it produces some foam and then I apply it to my wet face massaging it for about a minute. Don't expect plenty of foam, it foams just a little.
I read on that these kinds of scrubs are meant to be applied on dry skin so I tried it a few times and I must say that it works both ways. I didn't notice a big difference so I continued the oldschool way :)

The scrub is transparent, gel like with blue beads. It contains 75 ml of product. This one has a whole different smell than the one with the pearls, and I don't really like it. The pearls one smelled lovely but this... I don't know how to describe it. Maybe it smells of algae, I don't know, I never smelled them but I don't like it at all.

Kuglice rade odličan posao, lice bude nežno, fantastično glatko i naizgled hidrirano. Čak i pore smanji :) Ovaj piling spada u srednje jake pilinge, što meni sasvim odgovara jer volim da osetim da se nešto dešava tokom upotrebe proizvoda.
Pošto ne volim lice svaki dan da tretiram raznim stvarima, koristim ga jednom do dva puta nedeljno, kao što je proizvođač i preporučio.

Prezadovoljna sam s njim, jeftin je a odličan i traje čitavu večnost. Osetljiva mi je koža na sve živo i s njim nisam imala nikakvih problema. Samo mi nije jasno zašto su menjali sastojke kada prethodnoj verziji apsolutno ništa nije falilo. Novi miris pomalo kvari opšti utisak, ali svakako dobija 5 od 5!

Može se nabaviti samo u DM prodavnicama i po ceni od 310 din.

The beads do an excellent job, my face becomes gentle, fantastically smooth and seemingly hydrated. It reduces my pores, too :) This scrub feels mild to strong which I like because I like to feel when a product is doing what it should.
I use it once to twice a week, just like it is recommended on the product, because I don't like torturing my skin with a lot of products so often.

I am really happy with this scrub, it's cheap yet excellent and it lasts a very long time. My skin is sensitive on all kinds of stuff and with this scrub I didn't have any problems. I just don't understand why they changed the formula when there was nothing wrong with the previous version. The new smell is a little off-putting but it gets a 5 of 5!

It is available in DM stores for about 2.5 euros.

Koji je vaš omiljen piling? / What's your favorite face scrub? :) 

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